Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 40: Physical Abuse of Officials

Regel 40.1: Game Misconduct

Any Player who deliberately applies physical force in any manner against an Official, where such actions were likely to cause injury to the latter, physically demeans, or deliberately applies physical force to an Official solely for the purpose of getting free of such an Official during or immediately following an altercation shall receive a Game Misconduct Penalty.

For more information see DEL Disciplinary Code

Regel 40.2: Supplementary Discipline - Suspension - Category I

Any Player who deliberately strikes an Official and could cause an injury or who deliberately applies physical force in any manner against an Official with intent to injure, or who in any manner attempts to injure an Official. For the purpose of the rule, “could cause an injury” shall mean any physical force which a player knew or should have known could reasonably be expected to cause injury.

For more information see DEL Disciplinary Code

Regel 40.3: Supplementary Discipline - Suspension - Category II

Any Player who deliberately applies physical force to an Official in any manner (excluding actions as set out in Category I), which physical force is applied without intent to injure, or who spits on an Official.

For more information see DEL Disciplinary Code

Regel 40.4: Supplementary Discipline - Suspension - Category III

Any Player who, by their actions, physically demeans an Official or physically threatens an Official by (but not limited to) throwing a stick or any other piece of equipment or object at or in the general direction of an Official, shooting the puck at or in the general direction of an Official, spitting, smearing blood at or in the general direction of an Official, or who deliberately applies physical force to an Official solely for the purpose of getting free of such an Official during or immediately following an altercation.

For more information see DEL Disciplinary Code

Regel 40.5: Supplementary Discipline - Suspension Process

Immediately after the game in which such Game Misconduct Penalty is imposed, the Referees shall, in consultation with the Linespersons, decide the category of the offense. They must make a verbal and/or written report to the Proper Authorities immediately after the respective game. The Player and Team concerned will be notified by DEL Disciplinary and the respective procedure will be started accordingly.

For more information see DEL Disciplinary Code

Regel 40.6: Supplementary Discipline

In the event that the player has committed more than one offense under this rule, in addition to the penalties imposed under this offense, their case shall be referred to the Proper Authorities for consideration of Supplementary Disciplinary actions.

For more information see DEL Disciplinary Code

Regel 40.7: Coach or Team Personnel

Any Coach or team personnel who holds or strikes an Official or commits any other infraction set out under Rule 40.1 shall be assessed with a game Misconduct penalty, ordered to the Dressing Room and the matter will be reported to the Proper Authorities for further disciplinary action.

For more information see DEL Disciplinary Code

Regel 40.8: Protection and Security

All Championship Organizers shall provide adequate police or other protection for all Players and Officials at all times.
The Referee(s) shall report to the Proper Authorities any failure of this protection observed by them or reported to them with particulars of such failure.

For more information see DEL Disciplinary Code