Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 39: Abuse of Officials

Regel 39.1: General Description

A Player, Coach or team personnel shall not challenge or dispute the rulings of an Official before, during or after a game, on or off the ice and any location while in the arena and its connected premises.

A Player, Coach or team personnel shall not display “Unsportsmanlike Conduct” including, but not limited to, obscene, profane or abusive language or gestures, comments of a personal nature intended to degrade an Official or persist in disputing a ruling after being told to stop or after being penalized for such behavior. Note: When such conduct is directed at any one other than an official, Rule 75 – Unsportsmanlike Conduct shall be applied.

Regel 39.2: Minor Penalty

A Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Abuse of Officials” shall be assessed under this rule for the following infractions:
  1. Any Player who challenges or disputes the ruling of an Official.
    Any identifiable Player who uses obscene, profane or abusive language or gestures directed at any On- or Off-ice official. Note: An additional Game Misconduct Penalty for use of obscene gestures, racial slurs or taunts or sexual remarks → Rule 39.5 – Game Misconduct Penalty
  2. Any Player or Players who bang the Boards or glass with their sticks or other objects at any time, or who, in any manner show disrespect for an Official’s decision.
    If this is done in order to get the attention of the On-ice Officials for a legitimate reason (i.e. serious injury, illness, etc.), then discretion must be exercised by the Referees.
  3. When a Captain, Alternate Captain or any other Player comes off the Players’ Bench to question or protest a ruling by an Official on the ice.
  4. If a Player bangs the Boards or glass in protest of an Off-ice Official’s ruling.
  5. If a penalized Player is assessed an additional “Unsportsmanlike Conduct” penalty either before or after they begins serving their original penalty(ies), the additional Minor Penalty is added to their unexpired time and served consecutively.
  6. If a penalized Player does not go directly to the Penalty Box or Dressing Room as instructed by an On-ice Official.

Regel 39.3: Bench Minor Penalty

A Bench Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Abuse of Officials” shall be assessed under this rule for the following infractions:
  1. Any Coach or team personnel who bangs the Boards or glass with a stick or other object at any time, showing disrespect for an Official’s decision. If this is done in order to get the attention of the On-ice Officials for a legitimate reason (i.e. serious injury, illness, etc.), then discretion must be exercised by the Referees.
  2. Any Player, Coach, or team personnel interferes in any manner with any Game Official including the Referees, Linespersons, Game or Penalty Timekeepers or Goal Judges in the performance of their duties.
  3. Any Player, Coach, or non-playing person misuses technology (tablet, etc.) to challenge a Game Officials decision.

Regel 39.4: Misconduct Penalty

Misconduct Penalties for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Abuse of Officials” shall be assessed under this rule for the following infractions:
  1. Any Player who persists in the use of obscene, profane or abusive language towards any On- or Off-ice official for which they has already been assessed a Minor Penalty. Note: A Game Misconduct Penalty for use of obscene gestures, racial slurs or taunts or sexual remarks → Rule 39.5 – Game Misconduct Penalty.
  2. Any Player who intentionally knocks or shoots the puck out of the reach of an Official who is retrieving it.
  3. Any Player who, after being assessed a Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct”, persists in challenging or disputing the ruling of an Official.
  4. Any Player or Players who bang the Boards or glass with their sticks or other objects at any time, showing disrespect for an Official’s decision, for which they have already been assessed a Minor or Bench Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct”.
  5. Any Player or Players who, except for the purpose of taking their positions in the Penalty Box, enter or remain in the Referee’s Crease while they are reporting to or consulting with any Game Official including the other Referee, the Linespersons, Game Timekeeper, Penalty Timekeeper, Official Scorekeeper or Public Address System Announcer.
  6. A Misconduct Penalty (or Game Misconduct Penalty at the discretion of the Referee) shall be imposed on any Player who deliberately throws any equipment out of the playing area. When this is done in protest of an official’s ruling, a Minor Penalty plus a Game Misconduct Penalty shall be assessed → Rule 39.5 – Game Misconduct Penalty.
  7. Any Player who, after previously being assessed a Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct” for banging the Boards or glass in protest of an Off-ice Official’s ruling.
  8. In general, participants displaying this type of behavior are assessed a Minor Penalty, then a Misconduct Penalty and then a Game Misconduct Penalty if they persist.

Regel 39.5: Game Misconduct Penalty

Game Misconduct Penalties for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Abuse of Officials” shall be assessed under this rule for the following infractions:
  1. Any Player who, after being assessed a Misconduct Penalty, persists in challenging or disputing the ruling of an Official.
  2. When a Coach or non-playing Team Personnel uses obscene, profane or abusive language or gesture directed at any On or Off-ice Official or uses the name of any Official coupled with any vociferous remarks, after already being assessed a Bench Minor Penalty (Rule 39.3 – II), this Coach or non-playing Team Personnel is to be assessed a Game Misconduct Penalty and the situation reported to the Proper Authorities for further action. When this type of conduct occurs by any player, coach or non-playing team personnel after the expiration of the game, on or off the ice, the Game Misconduct shall be applied without the necessity of having been assessed a Penalty for ”Unsportsmanlike Conduct” previously in the game.
  3. Any Player who deliberately applies physical force in any manner against an Official, in any manner, where such actions were likely to cause injury to the latter to an Official, physically demeans, or deliberately applies physical force to an Official solely for the purpose of getting free of such an Official during or immediately following an altercation shall receive a Game Misconduct Penalty and the guidelines set out in → Rule 40 – Physical Abuse of Officials are to be applied.
  4. Any Player who, having entered the Penalty Box, leaves the Penalty Box prior to the expiration of their penalty for the purpose of challenging an Official’s ruling, shall be assessed. This rule does not replace any other more severe penalty that may be imposed for leaving the Penalty Box for the purpose of starting or participating in an altercation. → Rule 70 – Leaving the Players' Bench or Penalty Box
  5. A Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct” plus a Game Misconduct shall be imposed on a Player who throws their stick or any part thereof, or any other piece of equipment or object outside the playing area in protest of an Official’s decision.
  6. Any Player, Coach or team personnel who throws or shoots any equipment or other object in the general direction of an Official but does not come close to making any contact. This action may occur on or off the ice.
  7. In general, participants displaying this type of behavior are assessed a Minor Penalty, then a Misconduct Penalty and then a Game Misconduct Penalty if they persist.
  8. Any Player, Coach or team personnel spits, smears blood or directing obscene, profane, or abusive language, use of obscene gestures, racial slurs or taunts or sexual remarks at an Official, during or after a game, on or off the ice and any location while in the arena and its connected premises.

Regel 39.6: Reporting

It is the responsibility of all Game Officials send a report to the Proper Authorities setting out the full details concerning the use of obscene gestures, racial slurs or taunts or sexual remarks or language by any Player, Coach or team personnel.
If deemed appropriate, Supplementary Disciplinary Discipline can be applied by the Proper Authorities at their discretion.
Rule 28 – Supplementary Discipline