Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 23: Game Misconduct Penalties

Regel 23.1: Game Misconduct Penalty

A Game Misconduct Penalty involves the suspension of a Player for the balance of the game, but a substitute is permitted to replace the Player removed. Twenty (20) minutes are applied in the records to the Player incurring a Game Misconduct Penalty.

Regel 23.2: Disciplinary Measures


Regel 23.3: Disciplinary Measures - General Category


Regel 23.4: Disciplinary Measures - Abuse of Officials Category


Regel 23.5: Disciplinary Measures - Stick Infractions Category


Regel 23.6: Disciplinary Measures - Physical Infractions Category


Regel 23.7: Automatic Game Misconduct Penalty

Regel 23.8: Other Infractions - that could result in a Game Misconduct Penalty

A list of infractions that can result in a Game Misconduct Penalty being assessed can be found in Table 10. In addition, the following list of infractions can also result in a Game Misconduct Penalty being assessed:
  1. interfering with or striking a spectator.
  2. racial taunts or slurs or sexual remarks
  3. spitting, smearing blood on or at an opponent or spectator
  4. biting an opponent or spectator

Any Player or team personnel who physically interferes with the spectators, becomes involved in an altercation with a spectator, or throws any object at a spectator, shall automatically incur a Game Misconduct Penalty and the Referee shall report all such infractions to the Proper Authorities who shall have full power to impose such further Disciplinary Measures as they deem appropriate.

For more information refer to Appendix IV - Tables Overview - Table 10 of the PDF version of this rulebook