A Player receiving a Misconduct Penalty does not cause their Team to play “short-handed” unless they also receive a Minor or Major Penalty in addition to the Misconduct Penalty.
When a Player receives a Minor Penalty and a Misconduct Penalty at the same time, the penalized Team shall immediately put a substitute Player in the Penalty Box and they shall serve the Minor Penalty without change. Should the opposing Team score during the time the Minor Penalty is being served, the Minor Penalty shall terminate (unless
Rule 15.4 – Calling a Penalty - Short-handed Team - Goal scored is applicable) and the Misconduct to the originally penalized Player shall start immediately.
When a Player receives a Major Penalty and a Misconduct Penalty at the same time, the penalized Team shall immediately place a substitute Player in the Penalty Box and no replacement for the penalized Player shall be permitted to enter the game except from the Penalty Box.