During each regular period of the games shall be one (1) commercial break, with a duration of ninety (90) seconds but can be subject to change for specific events.
Commercial breaks shall be taken at the first stoppage of play after the game clock as it counts down to 12:00 (min.).
Commercial breaks shall not be taken if:
- A goal is scored;
- A penalty shot is called;
- A fight breaks out on ice;
- An icing infraction is called;
- The net is dislodged accidentally by a defending player (incl. goalkeeper); and
- The puck is shot into the end zone from beyond the center red line and the goalkeeper freezes the puck resulting in a stoppage of play.
Exceptions from point (iv)-(vi) above is when a penalty or penalties are assessed in the stoppage that affects the on-ice strength of either team. In the event that a commercial break is not taken the missed commercial break shall be made up at the next stoppage of play.
No commercial breaks shall be taken in the final sixty (60) seconds of the first and second periods, as well as during the final two (2) minutes of the third period. No commercial breaks shall be granted during overtime.
The Teams shall comply with the following provisions during commercial breaks:
- Goalkeepers will be allowed to go to their respective players’ bench.
- Teams are allowed to change lines once the referee blows the whistle signaling the teams to return to the face-off with 20 seconds remaining in the commercial stoppage.
- These line changes will follow the same protocol as a normal line change during a stoppage of play.