Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 73: Refusing to Start Play

Regel 73.1: Refusing to Start Play

This rule applies to Teams who refuse to play while both Teams are on the ice or who withdraws from the ice and refuses to play or who refuses to come onto the ice at the start of the game or at the beginning of any period of the game, when ordered to do so by the Officials.

Regel 73.2: Procedure - Team On Ice

If, when both Teams are on the ice, one Team for any reason shall refuse to play when ordered to do so by the Referee, they shall warn the Captain and allow the Team so refusing fifteen (15) seconds within which to begin the play or resume play.
If at the end of that time, the Team shall still refuse to play, the Referee shall impose a Bench Minor Penalty for “Delay of Game” on a Player of the offending Team to be designated by the Coach of that Team through the playing Captain.
Should there be a repetition of the same incident, the offending Coach shall be removed from the Players’ Bench and assessed a Game Misconduct Penalty by the Referee and a Bench Minor Penalty shall be assessed to the offending Team for “Delay of Game”. Should the offending Team still refuse to play, the Referee shall have no alternative but to declare that the game be forfeited to the non-offending Team and the case shall be reported to the Proper Authorities for further action.
Rule 66 – Forfeit of Game

First Violation:
  1. Warn the Captain of the offending Team and allow 15 seconds within which to resume play.
  2. If at the end of the 15 seconds the Team still refuses to resume play, assess a Bench Minor Penalty to the offending Team for “Delay of Game”.

Second Violation:
  1. Warn the Captain of the offending Team and allow 15 seconds within which to resume play.
  2. If at the end of the 15 seconds the Team still refuses to resume play, assess a Bench Minor Penalty to the offending Team for “Delay of Game”.
  3. Referee is to notify the Coach of the offending Team that they have been assessed a Game Misconduct Penalty.
  4. If the Team still refuses to play, the Referee shall declare the game be forfeited to the non-offending Team.
Rule 66 – Forfeit of Game

Note: From the time a team enters the ice or player’s benches before a period is started until the period is over, this rule applies. Even if all player in a team leaves the ice surface for the player’s benches, the team is considered to be on the ice.

Regel 73.3: Procedure - Team Off Ice

If a Team, when ordered to do so by the Referee through its Coach, fails to go on the ice and start play within five (5) minutes, the game shall be forfeited, and the case shall be reported to the Proper Authorities for further action.
Rule 66 – Forfeit of Game

  1. Once it is apparent to the Referee that the Team is refusing to come onto the ice and begin play, a Bench Minor Penalty is to be assessed to the offending Team for “Delay of Game”.
  2. Five (5) minutes will be provided for the offending Team to return to the ice and begin play.
  3. After the five (5) minutes has elapsed and the offending Team still has not returned to the ice to resume play, the game shall be forfeited.
  4. Once the Coach has been notified of the five (5) minute warning, and the Team returns to the ice to resume play within that time frame, a Bench Minor Penalty for “Delay of Game” must be assessed to the offending Team as stated in (I) above.

Supplementary Discipline will be applied by the Proper Authorities at their discretion.
Rule 28 – Supplementary Discipline