A Player shall be permitted to catch the puck out of the air but must immediately place it or knock it down to the ice.
A Player shall be assessed a Minor Penalty for “closing their hand on the puck”:
- If they catch it and skates with it, either to avoid a check or to gain a “territorial advantage” over their opponent.
- If they place their hand over the puck while it is on the ice in order to conceal it from or prevent an opponent from playing the puck.
When this is done in their Team’s Goal Crease area, a “Penalty Shot” shall be assessed Rule 67.4 – Penalty Shot, or Rule 67.5 – Awarded Goal. - If they pick the puck up off the ice with their hand while play is in progress
A Minor Penalty shall be assessed for “Delay of Game” – Face-off Violation to a Player taking the “face-off” who:
- Attempts to win the “face-off” by batting the puck with their hand.
Note: The two (2) Players involved in the actual “face-off” (the centers) are not permitted to play the puck with their hand without incurring a penalty under this rule until such time as a third Player (from either Team) has at least touched the puck. Once the “face-off” is deemed complete (and a winner of the “face-off” is clear) hand passes shall be enforced → Rule 79 – Hand Pass