Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 55: Hooking

Regel 55.1: Hooking

Hooking is the act of using the stick in a manner that enables a Player to restrain an opponent. If the stick goes against the opponent’s hands / or near the opponent’s hands, it shall be penalized as “hooking”. When a Player is checking another in such a way that there is only stick-to-stick contact, such action is not to be penalized as “hooking”.

Regel 55.2: Minor Penalty

A Minor Penalty shall be imposed on a Player who impedes the progress of an opponent by “hooking” with their stick.
A Minor Penalty for “hooking” shall be assessed to any Player who uses the shaft of the stick above the upper hand to hold or hook an opponent.

Regel 55.3: Major Penalty and Game Misconduct Penalty

The Referee, at their discretion, may assess a Major Penalty and an automatic Game Misconduct Penalty to a Player guilty of “hooking” an opponent, and who recklessly endangers the fouled Player in a way that at the discretion of the Referee such Player would not be sufficiently sanctioned by imposing a Minor Penalty.

Regel 55.4: Penalty Shot

This rule is described under → Rule 24.8 – Infractions

Regel 55.5: Awarded Goal

This rule is described under → Rule 25 – Awarded Goals

Regel 55.6: Disciplinary Measures

If deemed appropriate, Supplementary Discipline can be applied by the Proper Authorities at their discretion.
Rule 28 – Supplementary Discipline