Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 53: Throwing Equipment

Regel 53.1: Throwing Equipment

A Player shall not throw a stick or any other object in any zone. A Player who has lost or broken their stick may only receive a stick at their own Players’ Bench or be handed one from a Teammate on the ice.
Rule 10 – Sticks

Regel 53.2: Minor Penalty

A Minor Penalty shall be imposed:
  1. For throwing a stick on any Player on the Ice, who throws their stick or any part thereof or any other object in the direction of the puck or an opponent in any zone, except when such act has been penalized by the assessment of a “Penalty Shot” (Rule 53.7) or the Awarding of a Goal (Rule 53.8);
  2. For throwing a stick when a defending Player shoots or throws a stick or any other object in the Defending Zone but not at the puck or puck carrier;
  3. For “interference” when a Player moves a stick that is not broken and it interferes with an opposing Player (except where a “Penalty Shot” Rule 53.7, or the Awarding of a Goal Rule 53.8 applies) or when the Player who lost said stick is prevented from retrieving it as a result;
    No penalty will be assessed if moving the non-broken stick does not interfere with the play or the opposing Player is not attempting to retrieve it.
    When a Player discards the broken portion of a stick or some other object by tossing it or shooting it to the side of the ice (and not over the Boards) in such a way as to not interfere with the play or opposing Player(s), no penalty will be imposed for so doing.
  4. For “Unsportsmanlike Conduct”, when a Player throws their stick or any part thereof or any other object or piece of equipment outside the Playing Area in protest of an Official’s decision. For an additional Game Misconduct Penalty see Rule 53.5 – Game Misconduct Penalty.

Regel 53.3: Bench Minor Penalty

Should any unidentifiable player, Coach, or team personnel on the Players’ Bench or Penalty Box throw anything on the ice during the progress of the game or during a stoppage of play, a Bench Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct” shall be assessed.
Rule 75 – Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Regel 53.4: Misconduct Penalty

A Misconduct Penalty shall be imposed on a Player who “unintentionally” or “accidentally” throws their stick or any part thereof or any other object or piece of equipment outside the Playing Area.

Regel 53.5: Game Misconduct Penalty

A Game Misconduct Penalty shall be imposed on a Player who intentionally throws their stick or any part thereof or any other object or piece of equipment outside the Playing Area.
If the offense is committed in protest of an Official’s decision, a Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct” (Rule 53.2 – IV) plus a Game Misconduct Penalty shall be assessed to the offending Player.

Regel 53.6: Major Penalty and Game Misconduct Penalty

The Referee, at their discretion, may assess a Major Penalty and an automatic Game Misconduct Penalty if a Player’s action of “throwing a stick or any other object” or piece of equipment at an opposing Player, Coach or team personnel could result in injury to the opponent.

Note: Such assessment of reckless endangerment shall be based on the severity of the infraction and the general reprehensibility involved.

Regel 53.7: Penalty Shot

When any member of the defending Team, including the Coach or any team personnel, throws or shoots any part of a stick or any other object or piece of equipment at the puck or puck carrier in their Defending Zone, the Referee or Linesperson shall allow the play to be completed and if a goal is not scored, the Referee shall award a “Penalty Shot” to the non-offending Team. This shot shall be taken by any Player of the non-offending Team.
If a Player on a breakaway in the Neutral or Attacking Zone is interfered with by a stick or any other object or piece of equipment that is thrown by any member of the defending Team, including the Coach or any team personnel, the Referee shall award a “Penalty Shot” to the non-offending Team.
Rule 24.8 – Infractions
If a Player on a “breakaway” in the Neutral or Attacking Zone is interfered with by an object thrown on the ice by a spectator that causes them to lose possession of the puck or to fall, the Referee shall award a “Penalty Shot” to the non-offending Team.

Regel 53.8: Awarded Goal

If, when the opposing Goalkeeper has been removed, a member of the defending Team, including the Coach or any team personnel, throws or shoots any part of a stick or any other object or piece of equipment at the puck or puck carrier in the Neutral or their own Defending Zone, thereby preventing the puck carrier from having a “clear shot” on an “open net”, a goal shall be awarded to the attacking side.
For the purpose of this rule, an “open net” is defined as one from which a Goalkeeper has been removed for an additional attacking Player. The Goalkeeper is considered off the ice once the replacement Player has entered the Playing Surface.

Regel 53.9: Disciplinary Measures

If deemed appropriate, Supplementary Discipline can be applied by the Proper Authorities at their discretion.
Rule 28 – Supplementary Discipline