Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 51: Roughing

Regel 51.1: Roughing

Roughing is a punching or slamming motion with or without the glove on the hand, normally directed at the head or face of an opponent, or if a Player intentionally removes an opponent’s helmet during play. Roughing is a minor altercation that is not worthy of a Major Penalty to either participant.

Regel 51.2: Minor Penalty

The Referee shall, at their discretion, assess a Minor Penalty on a Player who strikes an opponent with their hand or fist, or if a Player intentionally removes an opponent’s helmet during play pursuant. → Rule 9.6 – Helmets

A Player who persists in continuing to be involved in roughing is subject to rules for “fighting”. → Rule 46 – Fighting

Regel 51.3: Major Penalty and Game Misconduct Penalty

The Referee, at their discretion, may assess a Major Penalty and an automatic Game Misconduct Penalty to a Goalkeeper who uses their blocker glove to punch an opponent and the action is likely to result in injury to the opponent.

Regel 51.4: Disciplinary Measures

If deemed appropriate, Supplementary Discipline can be applied by the Proper Authorities at their discretion.
Rule 28 – Supplementary Discipline