A check from behind is a check delivered to a vulnerable Player who is not aware of the impending hit, therefore unable to protect or defend themself from such a hit and contact is made on the back part of the body.
A Player who hits an opponent from behind into the Boards, the Goal Net, or on open ice in any manner (i.e., high-sticking, cross-checking, etc.) shall be penalized according to this rule. When a Player being bodychecked, intentionally turns their back towards an opponent and puts themself in a vulnerable position immediately before a bodycheck, to create a “checking from behind” situation, no penalty for “checking from behind” shall be assessed. However, other penalties may still be assessed.
Regel 43.2: Minor Penalty
This infraction is considered serious and dangerous, therefore there is no option to award a Minor Penalty for “Checking from Behind”.
Regel 43.3: Major Penalty and Game Misconduct Penalty
The Referee, at their discretion, shall assess a Major Penalty and an automatic Game Misconduct Penalty to a Player guilty of “checking from behind” an opponent, and who recklessly endangers the fouled Player.
Regel 43.4: Disciplinary Measures
If deemed appropriate, Supplementary Discipline can be applied by the Proper Authorities at their discretion. → Rule 28 – Supplementary Discipline