Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 31: Referees

Regel 31.1: Attire and Equipment

All Referees shall be dressed in DEL Officials’ pants, DEL Officials’ jerseys, DEL approved helmet with visor, neck laceration and whistles.

Regel 31.2: Disputes

The Referees shall have general supervision of the game and shall have full control of all off-ice Game Officials and Players during the game, including stoppages; and in case of any dispute, their decision shall be final.

As there is a human factor involved in blowing the whistle to stop play, the Referee may deem the play to be stopped slightly prior to the whistle actually being blown. The fact that the puck may come loose or cross the Goal Line prior to the sound of the whistle has no bearing if the Referee has ruled that the play had been stopped prior to this happening.

In the event of any dispute regarding time or the expiration of penalties, the matter shall be referred to the Referee for adjustment and their decision shall be final. They may use the Video Review Operations (and Consultant) to assist in rendering the final decision.
Rule 37 – Video Review

Regel 31.3: Face-offs

One of the Referees shall “face-off” the puck to start each period during regular time. Linespersons are responsible for all other “face-offs”.

Regel 31.4: General Duties

It shall be the duty of the Referees to impose such penalties as are prescribed by the rules for infractions thereof and they shall give the “final on-ice decision” in matters of disputed goals.
The Referees may consult with the Linespersons before making their decision.
The Referees shall not halt the game for any infractions of the rules concerning Rule 83 – Off-Side, or any violation of Rule 81 – Icing. Determining infractions of these rules is the duty of the Linespersons unless, by virtue of some unforeseen issue, the Linesperson is prevented from doing so in which case the duties of the Linesperson shall be assumed by a Referee until play is stopped.

Regel 31.5: Goals

The Referees shall have announced over the Public Address System information regarding the legality of an apparent goal. If applicable, the Official Scorekeeper, will confirm the “goal scorer” and any Players deserving of an “assist”.
Rule 78 – Goals

The Referees shall report the name or number of the “goal scorer” and also report any Player deserving an “assist” for that goal. If applicable, the Referees shall report the “goal scorer” only and the Official Scorekeeper, with the assistance of the Statistic staff will confirm the “goal scorer” and any Player deserving an “assist”.

The name of the “goal scorer” and any Player entitled to an “assist” will be announced over the Public Address System. In the event the Referee disallows a goal for any violation of the rules, they shall report the reason for the disallowance to the Official Scorekeeper who shall have the Referee’s decision announced correctly over the Public Address System.

Regel 31.6: Off-Ice Officials

The Referees shall, before starting the game, see that the appointed Off-Ice Officials are in their respective places and ensure that the timing and signaling equipment are in order.

Regel 31.7: Penalties

The infraction of the rules for which each penalty has been imposed will be announced correctly, as reported by the Referee, over the Public Address System. Where Players of both Teams are penalized on the same play, the penalty to the visiting Player will be announced first.

Regel 31.8: Players' Uniforms

It shall be the duty of the Referees to see to it that all Players are properly dressed, and that the approved regulation equipment (including the approved on-ice branded exposure program) is in use at all times during the game.

Regel 31.9: Reporting

The Referee shall report to the Proper Authorities promptly and in detail the circumstances surrounding the following:
  1. The assessment of Misconduct Penalties for Abuse of Officials;
  2. The assessment of Game Misconduct Penalties;
  3. Any time a Player or team personnel are involved in an altercation with a spectator;
  4. Any unusual occurrence that takes place on or off the ice, before, during or after the game.

Regel 31.10: Start and End of Game and Periods

The Referees or the Official Timekeeper shall order the Teams on the ice at the appointed time for the beginning of a game and at the commencement of each period.

If for any reason, there is more than a fifteen (15) minute delay in the commencement of the game or any undue delay in resuming play after the DEL approved intermission length between periods , the Referees shall state in their report to the Proper Authorities the cause of the delay and the Team or Teams which were at fault.
The Referees shall remain on the ice at the conclusion of each period until all Players have proceeded to their Dressing Rooms.

Team Entry and Departure from the Ice Surface is described in Rule 86.5.

Regel 31.11: Unable to Continue

Should a Referee accidentally leave the ice or receive an injury which incapacitates them from fulfilling their duties while play is in progress, the game shall be automatically stopped. In DEL Games, “standby” Game Officials are assigned for individual games. In the event of an injury to a Game Official, the designated “standby” Game Official will be used.