Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 17: Bench Minor Penalties

Regel 17.1: Bench Minor Penalty

A Bench Minor Penalty involves the removal from the ice of one Player of the Team against which the penalty is assessed for a period of two (2) minutes.
Any Player except a Goalkeeper of the Team may be designated to serve the penalty by the Coach through the playing Captain and such Player shall take their place in the Penalty Box promptly and serve the penalty as if it was a Minor Penalty imposed upon them.

Regel 17.2: Short-handed

Explanation “short-handed”: → Rule 16.2 – Short-Handed

Regel 17.3: Infractions

A list of the infractions that can result in a Bench Minor Penalty being assessed can be found in Table 3.

For more information refer to Appendix IV - Tables Overview - Table 3 of the PDF version of the rulebook