Regelbuch DEL Saison 2024/25

Regel 15: Calling of Penalties

Regel 15.1: Calling a Penalty

Should an infraction of the rules which would call for a Minor, Bench Minor, Major, Misconduct or Game Misconduct, be committed by a Player or Team Personnel of the side in control of the puck, the Referee shall immediately blow their whistle and penalize the offending Player or Team.

Should an infraction of the rules which would call for a Minor, Bench Minor, Major, Misconduct or Game Misconduct be committed by Player or Team Personnel of the Team not in control of the puck, the Referee shall raise their arm to signal the delayed calling of a penalty. When the Team to be penalized gains control of the puck, the Referees will blow their whistle to stop play and impose the penalty on the offending Player or Team.

When a Player, Team Manager, Coach or team personnel is ejected from the game for a violation of the playing rules, that individual must vacate the Players’ Bench area and may not, in any manner, further participate in the game. This includes directing the Team from the spectator area or by radio communications. Any violations shall be reported to the Proper Authorities.

For more information refer to Appendix IV - Tables Overview - Table 1 of the PDF version of the rulebook

Regel 15.2: Calling a Minor Penalty - Goal scored

If the penalty to be imposed is a Minor Penalty and a goal is scored on the play by the non-offending side, the Minor Penalty shall not be imposed but Major Penalties shall be imposed in the normal manner regardless of whether or not a goal is scored.

If two (2) or more Minor Penalties were to be imposed and a goal is scored on the play by the non-offending side, the Captain of the offending Team shall designate to the Referee which Minor Penalty(ies) will be assessed and which Minor Penalty will be washed out as a result of the scoring of the goal.

Regel 15.3: Calling a Double-Minor Penalty - Goal scored

When the penalty to be imposed is applicable under Rule 47 for “Head-butting”, Rule 58 “Butt-ending”, Rule 60 “High-sticking” or Rule 62 “Spearing”, and a goal is scored, two (2) minutes of the appropriate penalty will be assessed to the offending Player. This will be announced as a Double-minor Penalty for the appropriate infraction and the Player will serve two (2) minutes only.

Regel 15.4: Calling a Penalty - Short-handed Team - Goal scored

When a Team is “short-handed” by reason of one or more Minor or Bench Minor Penalties, and the Referee signals a further Minor Penalty or penalties against the “short-handed” Team and a goal is scored by the non-offending side before the whistle is blown, then the goal shall be allowed.

The penalty or penalties signaled shall be assessed and the first of the Minor Penalties already being served shall automatically terminate under Rule 16 – Minor Penalties. Major Penalties shall be imposed in the normal manner regardless of whether or not a goal is scored.

Should a Minor or Bench Minor Penalty be signaled against a Team already “short-handed” by reason of a Major Penalty, but before the play can be stopped to assess the Minor or Bench Minor Penalty, and a goal is scored by the non-offending side, the signaled Minor or Bench Minor Penalty shall not be imposed due to the scoring of the goal.

Should a penalty be signaled against a Team already “short-handed” by reason of one or more Minor or Bench Minor Penalties, and the signaled penalty would result in the awarding of a “Penalty Shot”, but before the Referee can stop play to award the “Penalty Shot”, the non-offending Team scores a goal, then the signaled penalty (that would have resulted in a “Penalty Shot”) shall be assessed as a Minor (Double-minor or Major) Penalty and the first of the Minor Penalties already being served shall automatically terminate:
Rule 16 – Minor Penalties

Regel 15.5: Face-off Locations

When Players are penalized at a stoppage of play so as to result in one or more penalties being placed on the penalty time clock to one Team, the ensuing “face-off” shall be conducted at one of the two Face-off Spots in the offending Team’s End Zone. There are only three (3) exceptions to this application:
  1. when a penalty is assessed after the scoring of a goal – “face-off” shall be conducted at Center ice
  2. when a penalty is assessed at the end (or start) of a period – “face-off” shall be conducted at Center ice
  3. when the defending Team is penalized, and the attacking Players enter the Attacking Zone beyond the outer edge of the End Zone Face-off Circle – “face-off” shall be conducted in the Neutral Zone.

The Team awarded the “Power-Play” will have the choice of which End Zone spot the “face-off” will take place at to start the “Power-Play”.

When an infringement of a rule has been committed by Players of both Teams in the play resulting in the stoppage, the ensuing “face-off” will be conducted at the nearest Face-off Spot in that zone.
Rule 76 – Face-offs