Regel 11: Goalkeeper's Equipment
Regel 11.1: Goalkeeper's Equipment
With the exception of skates and stick, all the equipment worn by the Goalkeeper must be constructed solely for the purpose of protection, and they must not wear any garment or use any device which would give them undue assistance in keeping goal.
The DEL is specifically authorized to make a check of each Goalkeeper's equipment (including the sticks) to ensure the compliance with the rule. They shall report its findings to the Proper Authorities for proper disciplinary action.
For more information refer to Appendix III of the PDF version of the rulebook
Regel 11.2: Leg Guards
A piece of any material covering the space between the ice and the bottom of the Goalkeeper’s pads in front of the skates is not allowed. Graffiti-type designs, patterns, artwork, drawings, or slogans which are abusive or obscene and refer to culture, race, or religion are not allowed. The pads can be of any non-fluorescent colors. No attachments such as plastic puck foils are permitted to any part of the pads. The leg guards worn by Goalkeepers shall not exceed 28 cm in extreme width when on the leg of the Player.
For more information refer to Appendix III of the PDF version of the rulebook
Regel 11.3: Chest and Arm pads
The chest and arm protector worn by each Goalkeeper must be anatomically proportional and size specific based on the individual physical characteristics of that Goalkeeper.
No raised ridges are allowed on the front edges or sides of the chest pad, the inside or outside of the arms, or across the shoulders. Layering at the lateral edge of the torso is permitted to add rib protection, however, said thickness shall not exceed the thickness of the blocks on the front of the chest and provided further, that the flank protection must wrap around the contour of the Player’s torso. If, when the Goalkeeper assumes the normal crouch position, the shoulder or shoulder cap protection is pushed above the contour of the shoulder, the chest pad will be considered illegal.
Any chest and arm protector deemed to be too large for a Goalkeeper by measurements taken by DEL representatives shall be considered illegal equipment for that Goalkeeper, whether or not it would have fallen within previous equipment maximums.
For more information refer to Appendix III of the PDF version of the rulebook
Regel 11.4: Pants
The pants worn by each Goalkeeper must be anatomically proportional and size-specific based on the individual physical characteristics of that Goalkeeper.
No internal or external padding is permitted on the pant leg or waist beyond that which is required to provide protection (i.e., no ridges, inside or out).
If the Goalkeeper is wearing their pants shells loosely, allowing them to close the open space between their legs above their pads when they are in the crouch position, the shells will be considered illegal. Thigh protectors inside the pants must follow the contour of the leg. Flat thigh protectors are not allowed.
Any pant deemed by the DEL representatives to be non-compliant with this rule will be considered illegal equipment for that Goalkeeper, regardless of whether or not it would have fallen within previous equipment maximums.
Any alteration request must be filed with an application to the DEL before any modifications or additions are made.
For more information refer to Appendix III of the PDF version of the rulebook
Regel 11.5: Knee Pads
Knee protection must be strapped and must fit under the thigh pad of the pants. Flaps attached to the inside of the Goalkeeper’s pads above the knee that are not worn under the thigh pad of the pants are not allowed. The knee-strap pad is the pad that separates the inside of the knee from the ice.
The knee protection must be worn with the strap tight so that it does not obscure any portion of area between the legs, or the “five hole.” The padding between the knee strap pad and the inner knee channel is not affected by this measurement standard. Medial rolls (raised seam ridges) are not allowed.
For more information refer to Appendix III of the PDF version of the rulebook
Regel 11.6: Catching Glove
A maximum perimeter of 114.5 cm is permitted. The perimeter of the glove is the distance around the glove. The wrist cuff must be 10.5 cm in width. The cuff of the glove is considered to be the portion of the glove protecting the wrist from the point where the thumb joint meets the wrist. Any protection joining/enhancing the cuff to the glove will be considered part of the glove rather than the cuff. The wrist cuff is to be a maximum of 20.5 cm in length (this includes the bindings). All measurements follow the contour of the cuff. The distance from the heel of the glove along the pocket and following the contour of the inside of the trap of the glove to the top of the “T” trap must not exceed 46.0 cm. The heel is considered to be the point at which the straight vertical line from the cuff meets the glove.
For more information refer to Appendix III of the PDF version of the rulebook
Regel 11.7: Blocking Glove
The blocking glove must be rectangular. The flap protecting the thumb and wrist must be fastened to the blocker and follow the contour of the thumb and wrist. Raised ridges are not allowed on any portion of the blocking glove.
Protective padding attached to the back or forming part of the Goalkeeper's blocking glove shall not exceed 20.5 cm in width nor more than 38.5 cm in length at any point (this includes the bindings). All measurements follow the contour of the back of the glove. The thumb protection must not exceed 18.0 cm in extreme length when measured from the top of the blocking surface.
For more information refer to Appendix III of the PDF version of the rulebook
Regel 11.8: Face Masks
Goalkeepers must wear their face mask at all times during game action. Protective face masks of a design approved by the IIHF must be worn by Goalkeepers. A face mask deemed to be worn only to increase stopping area will be considered illegal.
The face mask must be constructed in such a way that a puck cannot penetrate the openings. Goalkeepers are allowed to wear a facemask of a different color and design than that of their Teammates. The backup Goalkeeper is not required to wear their face mask when they cross the ice to return to the Players’ Bench after intermission.
For more information refer to Appendix III of the PDF version of the rulebook
Regel 11.9: Inspections by the DEL
Goalkeepers are not allowed to participate in the game with equipment that does not comply with the rules. Inspections by the DEL can take place after any game.
DEL representatives may obtain equipment from any or all participating Goalkeeper(s). This equipment may be removed to a secure location for measuring.
urveys will be logged, and a fair play agreement will be signed by the appropriate Goalkeepers and representative of the respective club. Non-complaint and illegal equipment must be corrected before participation in a future game.
Refusal to submit the equipment for measurement will result in the same sanctions as those imposed on a Goalkeeper with illegal equipment.